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Jan. 11, 2024

Unspoken Boundaries, part 2, with Merle Yost, MFT

Unspoken Boundaries, part 2, with Merle Yost, MFT

In this special three part series, Merle Yost continues the conversation with me about the importance of boundaries. We dive back into his amazing workshop titled Seven Steps to Powerful Boundaries, in the 1st episode of this 3 part series (episode#12) we were only able to cover the 1st step of his 7 steps (how you became you), now we move into the rest of the program covering topics like cultural boundaries, sexual communication and boundaries, and what might happen if there lacks communication before sexual intimacy, what exactly is “merging” and when its acceptable, energetic boundaries, and even political boundaries. I'm a huge fan of and supporter of boundaries and believe these episodes with Merle Yost will hugely benefit all who give it a listen.

You can connect with Merle and check out his program along with a wide range of his offerings including several books that Merle has written at unspokenboundaries.com

Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, and tune in to my next episode!

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You can also mail me at chrissystribe@gmail.com

Book a session with me or book a California Retreat at, ourdivinetribe.com