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Oct. 12, 2023

Episode 11 - Trigger Happy. What To Do In A Triggering Situation, with Guest Lewis Huckstep

I am honored to have an informative and fun discussion about triggers with a special guest, mindset, leadership coach, fellow podcast host, and influencer Lewis Huckstep.  We all have triggers and old wounds, no matter who we are with, strangers or significant others, we will always get triggered… in this episode, we discuss and find solutions for how to handle both ourselves and others when they are triggered.  When we become triggered we emotionally tend to go back in time and act the age of the original trauma wound that we are being called attention to, as we all know it can be very difficult when our adult partners are acting like children in an adult conversation, so how do we handle these tricky situations, do we mirror the other person and argue back and forth like children or are we able to walk away from the conversation, center ourselves and return with care and concern while also holding our boundaries… When we become triggered, it's actually an opportunity for growth, can you remain calm and observe that there may be something in your past, a trauma that needs tending to, and also comment to yourself and your partner that you want to grow from the triggering situation, if not, then it may be time to part ways with your partner if they are not willing to put in the work… parting doesn’t necessarily mean to leave your partner and never look back, especially when children are involved, it could just mean the dynamic in your relationship changes from a romantic partnership to a co-parenting partnership.  In our discussion Lewis and I touch base on the societal roles that have been projected onto us and the possible reason why the male population seems to be a little more resistant to investigating why they are triggered in order for the growth to occur.  Lewis also gifts us with an inside look at his own struggles and triggers with his beautiful fiancé proving that even he, someone who seems to have it all together is still human and struggles himself along with the rest of us, the main difference being his perspective… he believes that when we become triggered it is actually a gift and that we should be thankful for the opportunity for growth and healing.

You can connect with Lewis on Facebook or Instagram @lewishuckstep, and you can listen to his podcast The Lewis Huckstep Experience on YouTube or wherever you listen to your podcast.

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