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Nov. 16, 2023

Episode 16 - How To Stay Centered When The World Is Shaking Around You…

In this episode I’m excited to dive back in as I reveal to you the importance of resilience during shaky and chaotic times, something all of us can relate to since 2020 when our world seemed to be crumbling, Covid in the year of 2020 and beyond was a lesson for all of us, a particular piece of the lesson I am focusing on in staying centered while the world is shaking around us, especially during the last eclipse that even I and my close circle was effected by, if the current WARS that are taking place are not trying to shake you up, maybe you can relate with your own personal circle of friends and family and the trauma and drama that you maybe experiencing.

Staying centered while also feeling and not numbing is important during these times, so how do we do that, how do we stay strong and centered without numbing ourselves during shaky times… I am honored to share with you a practice that I’ve only shared with my kids and a few yogis in my class, a healing light technique. Please enjoy and spread the light. Don’t forget to go to my website, The Higher Self Curiosity Course is on it’s way!

Don't forget to like, subscribe, share, and tune in to my next episode!

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You can also mail me at chrissystribe@gmail.com

Book a session with me or book a California Retreat at, ourdivinetribe.com