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Real Life Shhh With Chrissy

Real Life Shhh With Chrissy

You’re listening to Real life Shhhhh, where we talk about real life shit, secretiveness and shame are now thrown out the window as we discover the morals of our own stories and the gift that The Divine has presented to us, with courage and power that comes with the simple act of truly seeing with Divine eyes.
If you never met me or got to hear my story, most people would just assume that I’m the typical grown version of the white girl next door, all though, I may look the part and yes, I defiantly live a pretty boring life as a mother of two, with a husband and family dog, I have secrets and shame that have held me down for far too long. Real Life Shhh is about reclaiming our light, power, and WORTH! Some say, that I’ve been through hell and back, I say, I’ve just walked through many voids that have actually shaped me into the strong being I am today. On Real Life Shhh, we give credit to The Divine. Who is The Divine??? The Divine, is our higher power… some call The Divine, God, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Earth or Yeshua, these identities are all the same, one Source, one God… Some organizations will tell you, that he goes by one name, that is Jesus, if that is what you are comfortable with my love, so it is, in the end what ever you want to call it, Him, Them, Her, and so on is THE DIVINE, the light, the shadow, THE ALL. We are all divine spirits who chose to live here on this earth together at this exact time, our “purpose” is to become what The Divine has designed us to be, instruments for The Divine, for all of us to co-exsist, co-create and to ENJOY this gift called life here on earth, while still being centered and connected to our real home, The Divine, The Vertical, The Light.


Aug. 22, 2023

Episode 1 - Getting Naked… literally and figuratively.

In this important episode, I reveal to you my deepest, darkest secret that I’ve kept hidden and locked away for more than 20 years… This will be the 1st time my husband hears of this past experience of mine and the 1st time …
Aug. 24, 2023

Episode 2 - What Happens When We Avoid Hard Conversations

In this episode, I give you an inside look at what is going on in my current personal life, I get real with you about my marriage and how I am currently moving through the uncomfortable void of the unknown. I also share wit…
Aug. 25, 2023

Episode 3 - How smoking pot landed me in Juvie jail...

If you have a loved one who has been labeled as a “troubled teen” or you, yourself has been labeled a “troubled teen”, 1st of all, lets smash that ridiculous term, there are no troubled teens, there are teenagers, kids, who …
Aug. 26, 2023

Episode 4 - Religious Scars

In this episode I give you a close-up look at some of my own religious scars that I endured throughout my childhood and how during my “lost soul” days I became “found” again, hint… I was never really lost, I just got off the…
Aug. 31, 2023

Episode 5 - Nurturing and Healing Your Inner Child

In this episode, I’ll take you back in time to bits and pieces of my childhood and how those bits and pieces can cause a ripple effect for your entire life, there is a reason why the smell of freshly baked cookies usually br…
Sept. 7, 2023

Episode 6 - Trash and Treasure, What’s Yours, What’s Mine…

It can feel so easy to become weighed down by another’s burdens, usually, this is a result of good intentions, feelings of empathy and simply loving another who is struggling can all of a sudden feel very heavy as if we are …